Marcus 40/60/80/Laws

These are general specifications. We can supply and tune the product as per specific requirements.

Product: This is pure hydrocarbon distillate with derived boiling range suitable to specific applications. Product is available as per customers & application requirement with tuning of boiling range and aromatic content.

Application: Marcus 40 LAWS (MTO) is used in paint, Rubber, Surface coating, resin formulations, pesticide, wood treatment formulations, Ink formulations, paper, textile & adhesives formulations. It is also used in textile dry cleaning and metal degreasing and many more

Application: Marcus60 is used in paint with slow drying, surface coating, resin formulations, wood treatment formulations, Ink formulations, paper, textile & adhesives formulations. varnishes, lacquers, In dry cleaning, In textile printing with pigment colors, Solvent for metal and machine degreasing, Oil soluble rust preventive, Solvent for insecticidal formulation, For lithographic varnishes, Diluents for many types of water proofing, Mothproofing, binding and sealing compounds, Solvent for wax, rubber and resins, manufacture of electrical insulating compounds, Solvent in the preparation of bituminous. Paints, scouring agent for raw wool and many more.

Marcus 40/60/80/Laws

Specifications Marcus 40 Marcus 60 Marcus 80 Laws
1 Colour Saybolt     ASTM  D-156 +25 +25 +25 +25
2 Density@15®C ASTM D-1298 to be reported 0.79 +/-0.02 0.79 +/-0.02 to be reported
3 Flash Point®C min P : 20 42 55 65 42
4  Boiling Range®C ASTM D-86 -62 to be reported to be reported to be reported to be reported
5 Aromatic Content% Vol max. P :23 or 48 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 17.22%
6  Copper Corrosion P : 15 MAX.1 MAX.1 MAX.1 MAX.1
7 Viscosity@40®C   1.2 Max 2.5 Max 3.5 Max 1.2 Max